Quest:Chapter 8: The Unmarked Trail

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Quest: Chapter 8: The Unmarked Trail

Description: Legolas recognized the creature you described as one of Wood-trolls and has agreed to help you track the rest down.

Category: Epic - Book IV: Chasing Shadows

Scope: Epic

Quest Level: 42

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'We must track the Wood-trolls to their lair, (your name), if we are to cleanse the corruption that scars the Trollshaws.

'I can take you to them. Their tracks are easily distinguishable in the muddy earth, and Wood-trolls are not known for their subtlety or intelligence. But ask me not in haste! I know of the Nazgûl that Master Elrond has lost, and I fear that it may have lent some of its strength and power to these creatures for them to be so bold. We must be watchful.

'Speak with me when you have gathered such friends as you can trust and are ready to be led into the wild in search of the Wood-trolls, and the evil power I fear may be their ally.'

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Selectable Items

Unknown icon.png Cuneldor

Unknown icon.png Tracker's Trousers

Unknown icon.png Himhar

Unknown icon.png Taushakh's Doom