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NPC: Legolas

'I am Legolas of the woodland realm, sent by my father king Thranduil on an errand of great importance, who might you be?'

Class: unknown

A woodland Elf of great renown, Legolas Greenleaf draws his heritage back through the ancient Sindarin line. He is the son of Thranduil, the Elf-king of Mirkwood, though the actual date of his birth is not known. Some say that Legolas has lived for five hundred years or more, but no matter his age, none can dispute that he has earned his place amongst the greatest of elven warriors, having played a key role in many great battles and having felled countless foul Orcs with his dark bow of Mirkwood. Though he does not speak of it, it is commonly held that he fought alongside his father at the foot of Erebor in the Battle of Five Armies.

Legolas's keen elven eyes, as well as his swiftness of foot, lightness of step (he can walk on snow without leaving a mark), and great skill with the bow have earned him a well-deserved reputation as a great warrior and champion of good. At the Council of Elrond, Legolas was chosen to represent the Elves as part of the Fellowship of the Ring, and to accompany the Hobbit Frodo Baggins on his quest to destroy the One Ring in Mordor - a great honour indeed.

Legolas is also possessed of a gentleness of spirit and an inner calm that never wavers in the face of seemingly insurmountable danger. He befriends a Dwarf, Gimli son of Glóin, an act all but unheard of these days in Middle-earth. Ancient friction between Elves and Dwarves, stemming from conflicts thousands of years ago, has proven hard to overcome, but Legolas and Gimli set an example for their kindred as the War of the Ring darkens the land.

Legolas has travelled far and wide from his home in Mirkwood and has fought evil throughout Eriador, pursuing the darkest of creatures and driving back the shadows that continue to spread from Mordor and Angmar.

Legolas remains in Rivendell, preparing for the long and arduous journey ahead. Players in The Lord of the Rings OnlineTM: Shadows of