Quest:Chapter 7: The Aid of Mirkwood

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Quest: Chapter 7: The Aid of Mirkwood

Description: Elladan is greatly concerned about the evil that seems to grow from deep within the Trollshaws and knows that you cannot face it alone.

Category: Epic - Book IV: Chasing Shadows

Scope: Epic

Quest Level: 41

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'You are fortunate. The creature which you faced could not have been a true Onod. You could not possibly have faced the might of one of the Old Ones.

'Nor would you have to, for the Onodrim are friendly to the Free Peoples on the rare occasion their paths meet. The great forests are less-travelled now than they were in days past, and few now ever see one of the great tree-herds.

'A small company of Elves from Mirkwood came to Imladris to consult with my father. Perhaps one of them will know what manner of creature you faced. Speak with my father to arrange an audience.'