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Lore-masters are seekers of knowledge and the guardians of wisdom. Their knowledge of ancient lore allows them to confuse and stun foes, as well as protect against the dark powers of the Enemy. Lore-masters are also capable of calling animals to their aid.
- Role: Crowd-Control / Pets
- Lore-masters are the unparalleled masters of crowd-control, with the ability to trap creatures and keep them from hurting their allies. They have many skills that invoke the natural world of Middle-earth but it is draining on the will thus costing them morale to fuel some of these powerful skills. Because of this, they must rely on their pets to supplement their ability to take damage.
Awareness of Body
The Morale costs of your overt displays of magical power are reduced. This includes Cracked Earth, Gust of Wind, Test of Will, Light of the Rising Dawn and Ents go to War.
The combat prowess of your pets is increased.
Deep Lore
Your number of targets for Fire-lore, Wind-lore, and Herb-lore are increased.
You gain bonuses to the Sign of Righteousness and Sign of Vigilance skills.
Harmony with Nature
You gain a bonus to Power costs for overt displays of magical power. This includes Cracked Earth, Gust of Wind, Test of Will, Light of the Rising Dawn, and Ents go to War.
The costs of your remedy skills and the time it takes to execute them are reduced. This includes Beacon of Hope, Tend the Sick, Leechcraft, Share the Power, and Inner Flame
Knowledge of the Past
Your skills have a chance to restore a small amount of Power.
Light of Hope
Your Beacon of Hope ability costs you less Morale.
Magic Adept
Your magical abilities cost less Power. This includes Signs, Cracked Earth, Gust of Wind, Power of Knowledge, Share the Power, Light of the Rising Dawn, and Ents Go to War.
March of the Ents
Only the Eldar and Wizards rival your knowledge of nature, this skill enables you to bring down the wrath of the natural world on your foes.
Master of Beasts
Your knowledge of the Signs of Animals gives you greater control over them, lessening the skill cost and enhancing their duration.
Master of the Staff
You have a chance of stunning an enemy with power from your staff strike and increase your confidence and thus your overall morale.
Noble Savage
Your pets have higher Morale and increased offensive and defensive capabilities. You must resummon the pet for this to take effect.
Power and Wisdom
This improves the effects of your Ancient Wisdom and enables you to use your Power of Knowledge skill for a longer period of time.
Proof against All Ills
Your Tend the Sick and Leechcraft skills can affect up to six targets.
Subtlety of Wisdom
You have a keen understanding of what it means to be a keeper of ancient lore in Middle-earth, often going unnoticed when you do choose to call upon your knowledge.
Sword and Staff
You now may dual-wield a sword and a staff. Your melee skills are also improved.
Light of Hope
Hope is so much more than a naive emotion or is a wellspring of great power.
Master of Beasts
Of the magicks that can be wielded by Man or Elf, the hearts of beasts are among the most closely tied to the visible world,...
Master of the Staff
Even a lore-master will occasionally find himself face-to-face with the enemy. At times like these, a sturdy oaken staff may...
Power and Wisdom
There is much to be learned from your enemies, but every Lore-master must decide for themselves how deeply to delve into the...
The Lore-master is friend to beast and bird and may call upon their aid.
Deep Lore
The elements of nature can be truly understood by few and to those few alone will they lend their power.
Among the most respected forms of learning is that of healing. Every Lore-master should strive to understand this fundamental...
While the Elves were long known as masters of lore, the Dúnedain of old were very near their equals in many arts.
Harmony with Nature
Lore-masters are often said to be in harmony with the forces of nature. It is sometimes difficult to understand what is so...
Subtlety of Wisdom
Many Lore-masters choose to forsake the garish magics of thunderous fire and glamour, for they may bring the wrath of the...
Awareness of Body
Clearly, if one is to learn to properly manipulate the forces of nature and other lore, one must first understand the true...
Knowledge of the Past
Much of what simpler folk call magic is tied to the life of the world and is intertwined with it since the time before days.
Magic Adept
Lore-masters are dreaded for their ability to steal away the strength of others, yet are considered strange or mysterious for...
Proof against all Ills
Disease and illness has always been a favoured weapon of the Enemy, and Lore-masters have long striven to contest this power...
The Book of Beasts
It is unclear who wrote this book as no author's name is given, but the clarity and wisdom with which it is written only adds...
Lore of the Blade
Lore of the Blade seems to be a rather unusual tome for a Lore-master to express interest in. Rather than delving deeply into...
Of Leaf and Twig
This is a strange book indeed. The covers are crafted from strips of some fibrous bark supple enough to be woven together,...