Quest:The Wisest Way is Contemplation

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Quest: The Wisest Way is Contemplation

Description: The mysteries of the past lie open to you, but still you seek to uncover more, never resting in your pursuit of knowledge.

Category: Lore-master

Quest Level: 50

Required Classes: Lore-master

Hdg bestower.gif

'Your wisdom is known to me, (your name), for you have delved mysteries which to me remain closed. Few lore-masters have attained such knowledge -- to be counted among their number is an honour for which many of us can never hope.

'One such lore-master is named Isdi, and she has spent long years in contemplation of the great mysteries. Were you to speak with Isdi, I am sure the experience would be of value to each of you, for knowledge is best grown when shared.

'Look for Isdi at the ruins of Edhelion, on the slopes above Thorin's Hall, in Ered Luin. I have heard that she planned to visit the ruins of that place and to think on their history.'

Hdg bestower.gif

'Your wisdom is known to me, (your name), for you have delved mysteries which to me remain closed. Few lore-masters have attained such knowledge; to be counted among their number is an honour for which many of us can never hope.

'One such lore-master is named Isdi, and she has spent long years in contemplation of the great mysteries. Were you to speak with Isdi, I am sure the experience would be of value to each of you, for knowledge is best grown when shared.

'Look for Isdi at the ruins of the Refuge of Edhelion, on the slopes above Thorin's Halls, in Ered Luin. I have heard that she planned to visit the ruins of that place and to think on their history.'