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Your character's class will most clearly define the role you will play in fellowship adventures, as well as what armor, weapons, and skills are available to you. There are seven classes in the game, each with its own unique qualities and skills. The classes are Burglar, Captain, Champion, Guardian, Hunter, Lore-master, and Minstrel (although not all races can play all classes).

Class/Race Combinations

Race Burglar Captain Champion Guardian Hunter Lore-Master Minstrel
Dwarf - - + + + - +
Elf - - + + + + +
Hobbit + - - + + - +
Man + + + + + + +

Initial Stats

Class Morale Power Might Agility Vitality Will Fate
Burglar 90 125 14 14 8 11 10
Captain 110 125 14 8 10 11 14
Champion 115 125 14 14 10 8 11
Guardian 115 125 14 10 14 11 8
Hunter 90 125 8 14 10 14 11
Lore-master 90 125 8 11 10 14 14
Minstrel 90 125 11 8 10 14 14

Pages in category "Classes"

The following 7 pages are in this category, out of 7 total.