NPC: Elrond 'In the last homely house you shall find rest and refreshment from your long road.' Class: unknown
NPC: Elrond Class: unknown
Master of Rivendell, son of Eärendil and Elwing, Elrond is Middle-earth's wisest master of lore and healing. Ancient even amongst the long-lived Elves, the regal and commanding Elrond wears the greatest of the three Elf-rings, Vilya, the Ring of Air, given to him by the great Elf-king Gil-galad. Known throughout Middle-earth for his wisdom and leadership, it is Elrond who gathers the Nine to become the Fellowship and charges them with the task of aiding Frodo in his quest to destroy the One Ring. He is friend and ally to those who stand against evil in Middle-earth, although the weariness of carrying the weight of the ages-long struggle can be seen on his noble face. In LOTRO, Elrond stands as a powerful force in aiding the Free Peoples in their struggles against the gathering darkness. In the refuge of Rivendell (called Imladris in Sindarin, the language of the Elves), nestled in a protected valley at the foot of the Misty Mountains, players can seek refuge to rest and heal and gain the knowledge and guidance of Elrond and his people. [[wiki/Image:Characters_Elrond.jpg|File:Http:// images/thumb/2/28/Characters Elrond.jpg/450px-Characters Elrond.jpg]] |