Quest:The Deeds of Durin

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Quest: The Deeds of Durin

Description: Lord Elrond believes the dwarf Glóin should be warned of the evil that might hide within Helegrod, not far to the north of his camp in the Misty Mountains.

Category: Misty Mountains

Quest Level: 45

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'Glóin and a company of dwarves from the Lonely Mountain have established a camp to the north, among the snows of the mountains. Tell him what you have told me, and I will devise some plan by which we can prepare to face whatever evil has come to Helegrod.

'Your news fills me with forboding, (your name), for the tale of that place is a sad one, as hostile as the mountains in winter. Durin, the fifth to bear that name, came to a grim end within the walls of that keep, despite words out of Eregion concerning the axe he bore: "Darkness shall not fall upon Hadhodrond while the line of Durin bears Mírdanant in friendship with the Gwaith-i-Mírdain."

'Perhaps the strength of those words had waned during the many years since Mírdanant was gifted? I do not know. Glóin may tell some of the tale to you, if that is his mind. Go now with haste. I do not know how much time we may have to counter this threat. Helegrond inhabited again is a troubling matter.'