'The picture becomes clearer to me, (your name), and I begin to understand what is happening behind the walls of Helegrod.
'Many evils have come to the dwarf-city: spiders, giants, drakes, the dragon Thorog himself...but undirected, each of these would be likely to fight with the others. The evil power that has come again to Angmar would not condone such in-fighting.
'The Iron Crown must have sent trusted servants out of Angmar and into the mountains, I guessed, to keep the evils within Helegrod mindful and under control. My guess has been rewarded, (your name): scouts have reported the presence of four powerful Angmarim within the walls. Their names are known to me from the descriptions of my scouts: fierce Adhargal, cruel Grisgart, staunch Ansach, and unyielding Breosal. They must be defeated, (your name), for perhaps then the uneasy alliance within Helegrod will fall apart, and the problem resolve itself.'