Pure Essence of Athelas
Consumed On Use
Cooldown: 2m
On Use:
+520 - 540 Morale
Minimum Level: 45
Essence of Athelas recovers your morale when used.
Stacks to 20
Worth 2 13
Crafted Item
Quest Reward For
Articles of DiscoveryArticles of Cunning Articles of MysteryArticles of Harmony Articles of CommandArticles of Valour Articles of FortitudeChapter 4: Marching Orders Supplies for TirbandKeep It from the Enemy Balhest, Lord of Ost ElendilEnd Dolvaethor's Menace New Home for the Relics of OldChapter 4: Remembrance Chapter 6: A Cheerless LandGoblin Fire Chapter 10: A Pouch of Gems for a Box of KeysIndecipherable Order from the Darkness