Quest:Goblin Fire

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Quest: Goblin Fire

Description: The goblins of Goblin-town have been producing large numbers of their fire-pots in preparation for war.

Category: Misty Mountains

Quest Level: 45

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'Well, the Elf here thinks I may have gone a bit daft, but hear me out and see what you think.

'I've got a plan in mind, and those fire-pots the goblins wield are at the heart of it. They are making them in large numbers in there, and while goblins may be industrious, they are also careless. You should be able to steal a number of those fire-pots, and with a bit of work, we ought to be able to use their own weapons against them.

'The thought of that entire camp in flames brings me a certain childish delight, so let's get to work!'

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Fixed Items

Unknown icon.png Pure Essence of Athelas

Selectable Items

Unknown icon.png Delicious Crispy Bacon

Unknown icon.png Pork Chops