Quest:Balhest, Lord of Ost Elendil

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Quest: Balhest, Lord of Ost Elendil

Description: Legrindavor told you of the Black Númenórean which Amarthiel has left in command at Ost Elendil.

Category: Evendim

Quest Level: 50

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'Ost Elendil, beyond the bridge of Ariant, was once the high seat of the kings of Annúminas. No longer -- after lying abandoned for a terribly long count of years, it is now held by the evil that came out of Angmar.

'Of Amarthiel's lieutenants, the Black Númenórean named Balhest is surely the most cruel. He it is that sits in Ost Elendil and holds it against us, behind an army of fell spirits and Angmarim sworn to him.

'Balhest must be defeated if we are to retake the city, (your name). If it can be done, it must be. The Dúnedain cannot fight this foe alone. If I am not here when you return, bring this news to Captain-General Daerdan at Echad Garthadir, for he will be most pleased at your success!'

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Fixed Items

Unknown icon.png Battered Arnorian Armour

Selectable Items

Unknown icon.png Pure Essence of Athelas

Unknown icon.png Delicious Steak