Quest:The Wrath of the Elves

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Quest: The Wrath of the Elves

Description: From all appearances, goblins waylaid Avorthal in Tham Gelair, leaving no trace of him but his satchel.

Category: Epic - Prologue

Scope: Epic

Quest Level: 7

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'The goblins have slain my son, $PLAYER$, and for that we will sweep them from Ered Luin! No goblin will take as much as three steps into these lands before we are there to greet him with swordblade or arrowhead!

'Go forth and slay goblins wherever you find them and cry aloud the name of Avorthal. I would have the foul creatures know whose doom has come upon them!

'While you were gone, word came to me that Limael's Vineyard has been defiled by goblins led by a vile creature called Pampraush. Seek out Pampraush and his minions and slay them in the name of Avorthal! Limael's Vineyard lies west of Celondim.'

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Selectable Items

Unknown icon.png Pampraush's End

Unknown icon.png Pampraush's Bane