Quest:Avorthal's Favourite Haunts

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Quest: Avorthal's Favourite Haunts

Description: The news you brought from Athal has caused Cardavor greater worry, for it is unlike Avorthal to be late without sending word, nor to forego his usual habits.

Category: Epic - Prologue

Scope: Epic

Quest Level: 6

Hdg bestower.gif

'It is not like Avorthal to be late -- at least not without sending word -- nor to put aside his usual habits. Still, he has spent much time in contemplation in recent days.

'When Avorthal desires solitude for quiet thought, he spends much time amidst the ruins to the west of Celondim. Perhaps he is there now. Would you go there and find him?

'Journey north along the road, and near the river head west. Soon you will see the ruins upon the hill. Avorthal must be somewhere within.'