Quest:The White Hart
Quest: The White Hart Description: Wistan told you of the white hart he tracked through many lands and believes that he finally brought it down, though he could not find the body. Category: Trollshaws Quest Level: 40
'It is good to meet you, (your name). I was just telling Indor here of my latest kill: a mighty and noble white hart, the likes of which I have never before seen and will never see again! I tracked him down from the Gladdalf and into Nan Tornaeth, but he became frightened, and I lost the trail. I picked it up again amid the Bruinen Gorges and followed him south into the hills alongside this camp. The light was failing, and as he passed westward and I behind him, I loosed a number of my arrows. I know I felled him, (your name), but I could not follow in the dark. |