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Quest: The Hunter's Injury
Description: Wistan is furious that the white hart he tracked across the Trollshaws may have been killed and its meat taken by a rival of his.
'This is an outrage, (your name)! I tracked the white hart into Tâl Bruinen all the way from the Gladdalf, and for some other hunter to steal the kill, the glory, and the meat for himself is unacceptable!
'I recognize the fletching of these arrows, you see: they are the distinctive mark of Adwold, a rival of mine. A hunter of lesser skill, he and I often compete for the same kill, and many are the times he has cost me a great deal of glory. But this is the last time!
'Take these arrows of his and confront him with them. Demand that he repent for bringing down the white hart, when clearly my arrows would have finished the job, and command him to relinquish to me the meat from the kill. The last I heard of him, Adwold was staying at the camp of Barachen the Elf, north of here in the Trollshaws. Barachen usually has one of his scouts positioned along the road; you can ask her for guidance if you get lost. Adwold will regret interfering with my greatest triumph as a hunter to date!'