Quest:The Emissary

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Quest: The Emissary

Description: Information received from the letters you recovered in Black Speech led Glóin to offer rewards for the defeat of the Uruk-emissary from Angmar.

Category: Misty Mountains

Quest Level: 50

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'You have done a great service for us all, (your name). Glóin is should be rewarded for your efforts now and in the future.

'If you find this emissary Bhoghad within the Great Goblin's throne room, defeat him and return to me with the news, and I will be certain to reward you.

'The throne room, from tales I have heard from Glóin himself, can be found at the end of a long tunnel. Of course, I have heard that the walls within Goblin-town cannot be trusted to remain closed or open.'

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Selectable Items

Unknown icon.png Armlet of Virtue

Unknown icon.png Jewel of Skill

Unknown icon.png Amarthan

Quest: The Emissary

Description: Dorongúr Whitethorn is willing to go to war for Avorthal, but only as a last resort. Suspicious that Pampraush's news of Avorthal's captivity may be a goblin-ruse, he wishes to first use diplomatic means to learn the truth.

Category: Epic - Prologue

Scope: Epic

Quest Level: 9

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'I have dispatched an emissary to the dwarf-city of Gondamon to relax the growing tensions between Elves and dwarves, but I fear rumour of Avorthal's captivity may prove too great a strain for her to ease.

'Journey north and west along the road to Gondamon and tell Gailthin what has transpired here. Together, you and she must learn the truth of Avorthal's whereabouts and rescue him, if indeed he is a prisoner of the dwarves. I do not wish for war until we are certain of his fate.

'If Avorthal has been harmed or we are unable to free him, I will call our warriors to arms; but not before.'