Quest:Suspicious Encampment

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Quest: Suspicious Encampment

Description: Gailthin has learned that a group of dwarves have established an encampment in the low-lands of Ered Luin, north of Gondamon.

Category: Epic - Prologue

Scope: Epic

Quest Level: 9

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'I will see if I can learn anything from the dwarves here. Mathi Stouthand is the Lord of Gondamon, and he has spoken openly to me in the past. I will judge his conversation to see if he is hiding something.

'Do not betray what we have learned to anyone but an Elf. The dwarves will surely raise their guard if they gain any suspicion of what we know. This I do know: there is an encampment of strange dwarves to the north of Gondamon. You should go there and learn if they know anything of Avorthal or his whereabouts.

'If you find Avorthal there, then the dwarves of the low-lands, at least, have turned against us. I would take allies, for the dwarves may be hostile.'

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Selectable Items

Unknown icon.png Gailthin's Shoulder Guards

Unknown icon.png Gailthin's Gloves

Unknown icon.png Gailthin's Bracelet