Quest:Stealing Stores

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Quest: Stealing Stores

Description: The constant harrassment of the hunters of Aughaire has resulted in a food shortage. There is plenty of food in the town of Donnvail, however.

Category: Angmar

Quest Level: 44

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'With the other clans of the hills against us, and with the threat of Carn Dûm hanging over our heads, our hunters have been unable to gather enough food for the winter. Yet the farmers of Donnvail have plenty of grain and other food stores, and if only they would let us buy it from them, we would pay them well. But the Angmarim have told them not to sell.

'Indeed, if we even venture near their gates, they will attack us for violating their clan borders. We have not the strength to protect our own hunters, and even if we had the force to do so, raiding Donnvail would break the pact of the clans, so we would never do such a thing. But you are a fierce southron-fighter -- or so I hear -- and you perhaps have friends from the south to support you in the field.

'If you would venture into Donnvail -- on your own, you understand, not with any of our warriors -- we could not be blamed if later we paid you for the food as we would have paid the farmers of Donnvail.'

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Fixed Items

Unknown icon.png Ríanamath