Quest:The Final Challenge

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Quest: The Final Challenge

Description: Enraged by their repeated defeats in duels, Chief Walraig of the hostile Hillmen has declared a feud against the men of Aughaire.

Category: Angmar

Quest Level: 44

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'Alas your victories have not come without cost. Walraig, Chief of the clan of our enemies, has lost all reason after your defeat of his champions, and he has declared a blood-feud against us! This may make him an outcast if he is not successful in his feud, but if he is not stopped, he will lead the full force of his clan against us here in Aughaire.

'Our one hope is to stop this feud before it begins. If we raid his camp in Tór Gailvin to the north-east, not far from Fail-á-Khro, and defeat Chief Walraig in person, we will have obeyed the law, and our enemies will be unable to proceed against us.

'But our Chief, Crannog, refuses to lead such a raid without Golodir's presence to guide him! I must ask you to do what we cannot and defeat Chief Walraig before we ourselves are overwhelmed.'

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Selectable Items

Unknown icon.png Curugarab

Unknown icon.png Arzhur's Helmet

Unknown icon.png Rochbenhar

Unknown icon.png Fall of Walraig