Quest:Shadow of the White Hand

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Quest: Shadow of the White Hand

Description: Disturbed by the contents of the note you found, Saeradan has set you the task of ferreting out the elusive and mysterious Sharkey.

Category: Bree-land

Quest Level: 13

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'I have a spy among the brigands who may be helpful in divining the true nature of this Sharkey. I will send him a message instructing him to come to a certain hill not far from here. Meet him there by night and ask him about Sharkey and his plans.

'The meeting place is by a grey rock in a small stand of trees directly north of Bree-town.

'If my spy has no news to share, we will need to find another means of learning Sharkey's plans.'

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Selectable Items

Unknown icon.png Saeradan's Bow

Unknown icon.png Saeradan's Trousers

Unknown icon.png Saeradan's Iron Bracelet