Quest:Rangers and Rogues

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Quest: Rangers and Rogues

Description: After the discovery of the brigand-medallion, Chief Grimbriar has reluctantly asked you to go to the Ranger Saeradan and discuss the brigands' organization.

Category: Bree-land

Quest Level: 12

Hdg bestower.gif

'Now, listen here. I don't much like these so-called Rangers who roam the country doing who knows what, and I'm not sure I trust them either. But still, I have to admit they do some good now and then. It may be that they know what's going on with these brigands and with this Sharkey character.

'I want you to bring this medallion over to a man named Saeradan. He has a cabin in the woods. It's a ways out of Bree to the north and a little to the east.

'Be careful. I've not met this Saeradan fellow myself and don't know if he can be trusted.'