Quest:Rollo and Doderic

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Quest: Rollo and Doderic

Description: Rollo Maggot, one of Farmer Maggot's sons has gone missing, and Farmer Maggot is worried.

Category: Bree-land

Quest Level: 12

Hdg bestower.gif

'I'm worried about my son Rollo. I had to go off for a bit, and I told that boy not to leave the house -- what with all the troubles -- but I come back, and he's gone! It's not like him to disobey like that.

'Now it's just possible he ran off with his friend Doderic Brandybuck on some lark. I wonder if you'd do me another favour and go over to Brandy Hall to look for Rollo? Brandy Hall is at the centre of Buckland, south of the Buckland Gate.

'Doderic's uncle Saradoc, the Master of Brandy Hall will likely know where those boys have run off to.'