Quest:Now to Eastfarthing

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Quest: Now to Eastfarthing

Description: Adso Haybank has been very grateful for your assistance with his debts, but he now needs your help with a more personal matter.

Category: Bree-land

Quest Level: 10

Hdg bestower.gif

'You've been a great help to me, $PLAYER$, but I've a personal favour to ask of you now. Rosa Proudfoot is a good friend of mine, and perhaps one day I will ask her to move here to my lodge -- well, when there is a lodge.

'Rosa gave me more Longbottom Leaf than I know what to do with, and I want to make a like gesture to her. Listen closely: just this side of the Brandywine River, north of Bucklebury, mushrooms grow wild in thick patches. If you collect some for me, I'll make the delivery.

'One thing, though. Don't kill any of the rats or slugs you may find along the riverbank. They give off a truly fetid stink when dead, and I don't want that smell tainting the mushrooms!'