Quest:Forging a New Blade

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Quest: Forging a New Blade

Description: Worried that the brigand Blake will come looking for his sword and, not finding it, will harm his family. Kenton Thistleway asked you to speak with Lofar Ironband about forging a new blade. Lofar reluctantly agreed, but wants something from Kenton in return.

Category: Bree-land

Quest Level: 14

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'Now I'll help that Kenton Thistleway by forging another sword, but with two conditions. First one is that if that brigand don't come around, looking for the sword, I get it back. Second, Thistleway gives me a hand and does some of the simpler work I've got piling up around here, while I forge the new blade.

'Here, take these things over to him to work on. The axe needs a new haft, the bellows need new leather, and the helm needs to be reshaped and reinforced. Take that over to Kenton and tell him if he gets it done, and I'm happy with the work, we'll call it even on the cost of the two swords.

'Now off with you, I've got to get to work on this new blade.'

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Fixed Items

Unknown icon.png Thistleway's Shirt