Quest:A Blade For a Life

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Quest: A Blade For a Life

Description: While you were gathering the materials Kenton needed to finish his work for Lofar Ironband, the brigand Blake took his daughter captive.

Category: Bree-land

Quest Level: 14

Hdg bestower.gif

'Oh, it's terrible! Blake, the brigand-captain who wanted the sword, came and told me he knew Nate was dead and that he knew I had something to do with it! I tried to tell him I didn't, that I would have another sword for him soon, but he wouldn't listen. He said he's taken my daughter, Maribell! If I don't give him another sword, and soon, he'll kill her!

'You must save her! Please! Get the sword from Lofar, then go to Blake's camp. It's in the Bree-fields, up north of Bree. I'm sure he'll release my daughter when he has the sword.'

'Please hurry! I don't know what I'll do if they harm her.'

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Selectable Items

Unknown icon.png Talloch

Unknown icon.png Maribell's Defender

Unknown icon.png Thistleway's Trousers