Quest:Chapter 4: Regaining the Trail

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Quest: Chapter 4: Regaining the Trail

Description: Lord Glorfindel gave you a beryl which glows when it is brought into places where great evil has left its mark.

Category: Epic - Book IV: Chasing Shadows

Scope: Epic

Quest Level: 38

Hdg bestower.gif

'I do not often travel into the wild, though I will do so when the need is great, as the Ranger Aragorn or his small friend Frodo Baggins could tell you. The sons of Elrond are better-suited for directing your search for the missing Nazgûl.

'I leave my Elf-stone in your care for the time being and ask you to return with it to Elladan at his camp of Thorenhad. He will know where you should bring it to follow the traces of the Nazgûl.

'Go with speed and with clarity of vision! The beryl will help you to find this stray servant of the Enemy, but what will you do when you find him, I wonder?'