Quest:Chapter 3: The Wisdom of Lord Glorfindel
Quest: Chapter 3: The Wisdom of Lord Glorfindel Description: Elladan was pleased that you found the horse of the missing Rider, but will not be satisfied until he knows its master's fate. Category: Epic - Book IV: Chasing Shadows Scope: Epic Quest Level: 38
'We know more than we did, (your name), but we do not yet know what we must, for the safety of all those who live or journey in this region: the whereabouts of the missing Nazgûl. His steed was our greatest ally in this search, for while he could remove his cloak and remain nearly unseen, his horse was a mortal creature and its physical trail could be followed. With the creature now dead, either from exhaustion or at his master's hand, our ability to track the Nazgûl is lessened. |