Quest:Chapter 3: Secrets of the Stones
Quest: Chapter 3: Secrets of the Stones Description: Corunir told you of how Golodir raised up an army from among the Hillmen to assail Carn Dûm. The expedition failed, and Corunir was left alone, unable to pass Rammas Deluon -- now possessed of a terrible power -- to learn the fate of his captain and companions. Category: Epic - Book VI: Fires in the North Scope: Epic Quest Level: 45
'So, you would know how this tragedy came to be? In truth, I know not. I do not know whether it was through some machination of the False King, or whether it was purely an evil chance, but our march was brought to an abrupt end. As we marched east, we found ourselves confronted by a vale filled with terrible statues. Rammas Deluon, the Hillmen called it. That some spirit of evil vigilance abode in the stones there was no doubt, for we could all feel the oppression of them. It was here that Golodir bade me remain. |