Quest:Chapter 2: Against His Lord
Quest: Chapter 2: Against His Lord Description: Daervunn told you of how a wounded falcon arrived, bearing a message from Corunir, a Ranger from the company of Golodir, who defied Aragorn's commands and passed into Angmar, believing that a shadow had come again unto Carn Dûm. Category: Epic - Book VI: Fires in the North Scope: Epic Quest Level: 45
'Perhaps I should start from the beginning. Many years ago, one of our captains -- a man by the name of Golodir -- desired to enter the realm of Angmar, for he had heard rumour that the descendants of the ancient Hillmen of Rhudaur had made for themselves a home there and began again to multiply. He suspected also that a shadow had come again unto Carn Dûm, for fell creatures began to spread southward into the North Downs. |