Quest:Chapter 3: Cairns for the Fallen

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Quest: Chapter 3: Cairns for the Fallen

Description: Calenglad fears for the resolve of the Dúnedain and has set them to gathering stones with which to build cairns for their fallen brethren.

Category: Epic - Book XI: Prisoner of the Free Peoples

Scope: Epic

Quest Level: 50

Hdg bestower.gif

'My people need time to mourn, (your name), or they will be unable to continue the fight. The greatest weapon Angmar wields in this war is hopelessness, an overpowering dread that seizes the hearts of good folk and saps their will to stand against evil. It has been brought to bear here on Tinnudir with terrible success.

'I have set my brethren to gathering stones from Annúminas with which we may construct cairns for our fallen kindred. If you would travel to the great city and help with the collection of these city-stones, I know that Tadan, Colhamnir, and Carchammadel would have been honoured by your service in their memory.'