Quest:Chapter 2: Mordrambor

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Quest: Chapter 2: Mordrambor

Description: Calenglad has decided that before you begin your search for Narchuil, you must learn what you can about the ring from Mordrambor.

Category: Epic - Book XI: Prisoner of the Free Peoples

Scope: Epic

Quest Level: 50

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'Mordrambor has proven an unreliable and dangerous prisoner for us thus far, (your name), but now he will recompense for his betrayal. He will tell us what he knows of Amarthiel's lost ring, Narchuil, or he will never again see the light of day. He cannot know its location, or his mistress would have had no need for the palantír, but anything he can tell us of its power or history may be of use.

'I will go with you to speak with the Black Númenórean. He has proven able to ensorcel the minds of others, and we will have better fortune if we confront him together and steel ourselves against his trickery.

'I have some words for our prisoner concerning the fate of Laerdan, as well. Mordrambor will rue the day he sent the Elf to his death. Speak with me when you are ready to go.'