Quest:Burying the Dead

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Quest: Burying the Dead

Description: While you were fighting through Archet, a band of Jon Brackenbrook's men fought to the Blackwolds' Roost and defeated a fair share of the brigands, but some of his good men perished in the battle.

Category: Epic - Prologue

Scope: Epic

Quest Level: 5

Hdg bestower.gif

'While you were busy defending Archet, my men and others from the town fought our way down to the Blackwolds' Roost south-east of here. We had to make sure that no reinforcements came into the village.

'The battle was great, but in the end we defeated our fair share of the brigands. Unfortunately, some good men lost their lives in the struggle and yet remain unburied. It would be to our shame if their bodies were dishonoured by wild beasts.

'I would ask this one last favour of you: seek out those who remain unburied and inter them with honour. Dirk Mudbrick fell at the sheep-farm south-west of Archet, Nate Whisperwood died defending the Hunter's Lodge, and Cal Sprigley's farmhand -- Wil Wheatley -- perished in battle just to the west of Bronwe's Folly.'