Quest:An Urgent Summons

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Quest: An Urgent Summons

Description: A stranger to Archet left an urgent message for "the Hero of Archet", requesting an audience.

Category: Epic - Prologue

Scope: Epic

Quest Level: 6

Hdg bestower.gif

'The man who came through the village -- he reminded me of Amdir in his behaviour -- said he was looking for "the Hero of Archet." I can only assume that he spoke of you!

'He said the matter was most urgent, and that if I saw you, I was to direct you to The Comb and Wattle Inn, where he will be waiting for you. The Comb and Wattle is in the centre of Combe to the south.

'He seemed most grim to me. I would travel to Combe immediately and speak with the innkeeper, Lizbeth Honeymeade. She should know where to find this man.'