Quest:A Taste of Skill, Part IV

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Quest: A Taste of Skill, Part IV

Description: In the kitchen you are unrivalled, and your creations delight the tastes of all who sample them.

Category: Crafting

Scope: Crafting Advancement

Quest Level: 40

Hdg bestower.gif

'You have blossomed into a cook of unparalleled skill and perception, (your name). You have learned hundreds of lessons relating to the preparation and serving of delicious meals, and those who sample your creations speak of their experiences loudly and often!

'You have exceeded my abilities in this area, and now I believe you are ready to learn from Pasco Grubb, renowned cook of Michel Delving, in the Shire.

'If he will agree to share with you his secrets, you may become an even greater cook than you are now, as difficult as that may be to imagine!'

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Fixed Items

Unknown icon.png Roast of Heroes


Craft Cook Complete Proficiency Tier 4