Item:Roast of Heroes

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Unknown icon.png

Roast of Heroes


Consumed On Use

Cooldown: 1m

On Use:

Heals 111 Morale every 30 seconds for 300 seconds

Restores 85 Power every 30 seconds for 300 seconds

+44.5 non-Combat Power Regen

+56.4 non-Combat Morale Regen

Minimum Level: 30

The beast was mighty. Now, it's mighty tasty.

Stacks to 15

Worth   80Copper.gif

Unknown icon.png

Roast of Heroes


Minimum Level: 1

Pasco Grubb is waiting to sample the Roast of Heroes he asked you to prepare.

Stacks to 20

Worth   1Silver.gif 40Copper.gif

Crafted Item

Roast of Heroes Recipe(Cook)
Unknown icon.png


Unknown icon.png
