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Happiest when enjoying a simple life with six square meals a day, Hobbits are solid and dependable when called to action.
Improved Fear Resistance - The slow-kindled courage of the Hobbit Race.
Improved Vitality - Hobbits are remarkably tough.
Rapid Recovery
Improved out of combat Morale Regeneration - Hobbits recover from trying times faster than other races.
Resist Corruption
Improved Shadow Mitigation - Hobbits have a great resistance to temptation.
Small Size
Reduced Might - Hobbits lack the physical strength of other races.
Guile and Conviction Bonus
Guile and Conviction Fellowship Bonus
Hobbit Club-damage Bonus
Man Sword Damage Bonus
You can raise your own hope value through good old fashion hobbit cheer.
Prone hobbits are easily ignored when they are thought of as a tasty dinner, causing enemies to ignore you.
Reduced Might - Hobbits lack the physical strength of other races.
Although untrained you have the ability to move about unseen, though there is a chance enemies may detect you, especially when moving in front of them.
Return to Michel Delving
This enables you to go home to The Shire.
Stoop for a Stone
This grants you a short ranged attack.
Enmity of the Spiders
While no respectable hobbit has ever had much to do with spiders, it seems of late that new breeds of the horrid things --...
Enmity of the Wolves
Wolves have long been a scourge of the peaceful people of the Shire. In hard winters, they may come down from the North to...
Enmity of the Wolves II
While wolves are often hostile, most folks just consider them to be dangerous predators rather than a true danger. Nowadays,...
Enmity of the Wolves III
The stories say that back in old Bullroarer's time, the arrival of Golfimbul's goblins were presaged by an invasion of wolves...
Enmity of the Goblins
Of all the powers of the Enemy, the goblins are the only ones to have openly assaulted the Shire. They were defeated by...
Enmity of the Spiders II
Where have these horrors come from? What ever happened to nice little garden spiders eating flies and all that? These days...
Enmity of the Goblins II
It looks like the Shire will need a new 'Bullroarer' soon, because there is no doubt that goblins are in force upon the land...
Enmity of the Spiders III
From your youth you recall an old Elven tale of some great spider that tried to devour all the light in the world...and how...