Deed:Enmity of the Goblins II

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Deed: Enmity of the Goblins II

Category: Race

Description: It looks like the Shire will need a new 'Bullroarer' soon, because there is no doubt that goblins are in force upon the land once again. The Bounds of the Shire are no longer safe, and the thought of your peaceful folk facing a tide of these foul creatures unawares makes your skin crawl. There will have to be a reckoning soon enough if that is to be prevented.

Deed Level: 35

Min Level: 35

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Deed: Enmity of the Goblins II

Category: Race

Description: Goblins are a mockery of life, twisted by the Enemy to serve unquestioningly as an endless supply of foot-soldiers in his wars. Luckily, the breeding of unquestioned loyalty has left them unimaginative and unskilled, making them no match for trained Elven warriors. Still, their numbers are vast, and if only one Elf falls for every hundred of their kind, it is a great loss.

Deed Level: 19

Min Level: 19

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Tactics and Conviction Bonus

Deed: Enmity of the Goblins II

Category: Race

Description: The dwarves have always held the advantage over the goblins in terms of skill in battle as well as quality of weapons, armour, and fortifications. The goblins, however, have always held the advantage in numbers -- a rather vast advantage.

Deed Level: 29

Min Level: 29

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