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Unknown icon.png

Race: Elf

Long ago, the Elves welcomed the younger races of Middle-earth and allied with them when the need was great, but centuries of war, betrayal, and hardship have made them fiercely protective of their seclusion.

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Lbl description.gif Unknown icon.png Agility of the Woods Improved Agility - The Grace of the Eldar is remembered in legend. Unknown icon.png Fading of the Firstborn Reduced Fate - The time of the Elves in Middle-earth is nearly at its end. Unknown icon.png Sorrow of the Firstborn Reduced Morale and Out of Combat Morale Regeneration - Elves feel things more deeply than the other races, and are more subject to sorrow. Unknown icon.png Suffer no Illness Improved resistance to Disease and Poison - Elves do not suffer illness.

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Lbl description.gif Unknown icon.png Eldar's Grace Although untrained you have the ability to move about unseen, though there is a chance enemies may detect you, especially when moving in front of them. Unknown icon.png Elf Bow-damage Bonus Elf Bow Damage Bonus Unknown icon.png Elf One-handed Sword-damage Bonus Elf Sword Damage Bonus Unknown icon.png Friend Of Man Improved Fate. Unknown icon.png Power of the Eldar Adds a bonus to your fellowships power. Unknown icon.png Return to Rivendell This enables you to go home to Rivendell. Unknown icon.png Sylvan Shadows Although untrained you have the ability to move about unseen, though there is a chance enemies may detect you, especially when moving in front of them. Unknown icon.png Tactics and Conviction Bonus Tactics and Conviction Fellowship Bonus

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Lbl name.gif Lbl description.gif 13 Enmity of the Goblins The goblins were created by the Morgoth long ago, as captive Elves were tortured and twisted into mockeries of themselves and... 13 Enmity of the Orcs Bred by the Enemy for war over land, the Orcs are larger and tougher than their goblin cousins, but their origins remain the... 19 Enmity of the Goblins II Goblins are a mockery of life, twisted by the Enemy to serve unquestioningly as an endless supply of foot-soldiers in his... 25 Enmity of the Goblins III It is uncertain what goblins think of Elves, as they are rarely willing to speak on the matter, save from the opposite end of... 29 Enmity of the Drakes Dragons were bred long ages ago to break the power of the Elves in the North -- and in this they succeeded with their vast... 29 Enmity of the Orcs II Unlike the goblins, the Orcs have been raised with a martial outlook and form the backbone of the Enemy's armies. They are... 35 Enmity of the Drakes II Even with but a fraction of their elder kin's power, a drake is a deadly enemy indeed. Even among the Firstborn, it is a mark... 35 Enmity of the Orcs III While Orcs dislike the sun nearly as much as their lesser brethren, the goblins, they have more tolerance for it and can be...