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Unknown icon.png

Race: Dwarf

Dwellers of stone and miners of metal, the Dwarves are a doughty folk, resistant to the corruption of the Enemy -- but not to greed.

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Lbl description.gif Unknown icon.png Lost Dwarf-kingdoms Reduced Fate - The Dwarves' time in Middle-earth is up. Unknown icon.png Stocky Reduced Agility - Dwarves are naturally less agile than the other races. Unknown icon.png Sturdiness Increased Might and Vitality, improved Common damage mitigation - Dwarves are a sturdy race. Unknown icon.png Unwearying in Battle Bonus to In-Combat morale and power regeneration, penalty to out of combat morale and power regen.

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Lbl description.gif Unknown icon.png Dwarf Axe-damage Bonus Dwarf Axe Damage Bonus Unknown icon.png Dwarf-endurance Adds a bonus to your fellowships vitality. Unknown icon.png Endurance of Stone For a short amount of time you can withstand blows that would batter a weaker races morale into dust. Unknown icon.png Fateful Dwarf Improved Fate - You are one of the Dwarves' of influence at the end of this age. Unknown icon.png Guile and Might Bonus Guile and Might Fellowship Bonus Unknown icon.png Head-butt You gain a short-distance melee attack. Unknown icon.png Return to Thorin's Gate This enables you to go home to Thorin's Gate. Unknown icon.png Shield Brawler The Dwarf Race are excellent defensive fighters.

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Lbl name.gif Lbl description.gif 13 Enmity of the Dourhands The Dourhand dwarves appear to have turned their backs on the Free Peoples of Middle-earth and rebelled against the rightful... 13 Enmity of the Goblins Goblins and dwarves have despised each other since they first set eyes upon one another. They are natural enemies both above... 19 Enmity of the Dourhands II Jealous of the wealth and status of the Longbeards -- particularly since Durin's Folk reclaimed the Lonely Mountain -- the... 25 Enmity of the Dourhands III Ever since the earliest records, history has been rife with stories of betrayal and tragedy. The rebellion of the Dourhands... 29 Enmity of the Goblins II The dwarves have always held the advantage over the goblins in terms of skill in battle as well as quality of weapons,... 29 Enmity of the Trolls Trolls are a particularly deadly threat to the dwarves. Capable of smashing the strongest fortifications and thriving in the... 35 Enmity of the Goblins III Goblins are an odd study in group-thought. As individuals, they are sniveling cowards who recoil from anyone who appears... 35 Enmity of the Trolls II Quite the opposite of goblins, most trolls have little cunning or intelligence of any kind. They are, however, almost...