Quest:The Creeping Shadow

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Quest: The Creeping Shadow

Description: Wistan has told you that he saw a creeping shadow along the banks of the Bruinen that he thinks may have been the same creature Adwold encountered.

Category: Trollshaws

Quest Level: 41

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'I had gone down to the bank of the river to stretch my legs and take in the scenery -- and, I confess, to give some thought to what punishments I could inflict upon Adwold for interfering with my hunt -- when I saw it.

'It was sitting on a flat stone on the far bank, and I moved closer to get a better look -- I took it at first to be one of the Little Folk, but in the light of the moon it seemed much too scrawny, its skin stretched over brittle bones. I was still deciding what to do when it did something that chilled my heart: it began to sing, a shrill warbling above the sound of the water.

'I dared not stay any longer, (your name), and came back to camp. But I want this creature caught! This will be my greatest hunt, even better than the white hart! I want you to walk along the banks of the Bruinen, east of here in the valley, and look for signs of the creature's passage. Return to me when you have found some clue that will let us bait a trap for it.'

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Fixed Items

Unknown icon.png Pure Flask of Lhinestad

Unknown icon.png Pure Healing Draught