Quest:Chapter 6: In the Black Riders' Wake

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Quest: Chapter 6: In the Black Riders' Wake

Description: Desiring news about the other Nazgûl, Strider sent you west to the borders of the Shire and Buckland to speak to Lenglinn, whom he had sent to look after a hobbit.

Category: Epic - Book I: Stirrings in the Darkness

Scope: Epic

Quest Level: 13

Hdg bestower.gif

'In the Black Riders' wake, crebain have taken roost. They are not the common strain from Dunland, but a breed I have not seen before. Likely these foul creatures keep watch on Buckland and Shire...or at the very least me, since they have taken to staring at me in the night.

'While the crebain may see nothing of interest, the fact that the Enemy has eyes here is dangerous. If we were to blind these eyes, the Enemy would not be as sure in directing its efforts. If you would, dispose of the crebain that roost to the south-west, just beyond my camp.

'Even killing one craban will go a long way towards blinding the enemy.'