Quest:Chapter 7: Horn-call of Buckland
Quest: Chapter 7: Horn-call of Buckland Description: The Horn-call of Buckland had alerted Lenglinn to the Nazgûl's presence there. Category: Epic - Book I: Stirrings in the Darkness Scope: Epic Quest Level: 13
'You say that Underhill is with Aragorn? I know of no Underhills...I was sent to watch over a hobbit named Baggins. I must assume that is whom Aragorn spoke of. That he is safe is welcome news, for my fears are somewhat allayed. It was late in the night when I heard the Horn-call of Buckland. Running to the road, I saw the Nazgûl leaving Buckland at a gallop. I tried to stop them, but they ran me down. I feared they had already found Baggins.
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