Quest:Rescue by Moonlight

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Quest: Rescue by Moonlight

Description: Avorthal had been moved from the Dourhand encampment where he was being held and will soon be taken aboard a ship destined northward and beyond all hope of rescue.

Category: Epic - Prologue

Scope: Epic

Quest Level: 12

Hdg bestower.gif

'We must not delay, $PLAYER$. We must rescue Avorthal from the Dourhands before they are able to set sail!

'The Dourhands control the port-city of Kheledûl, to the east, and the ship they plan to carry Avorthal is surely docked there. Kheledûl is defended by a score of Dourhands, and it is a position of great strength. We cannot hope to attack it directly.

'If we are to have any hope of rescuing Avorthal from Kheledûl, we will need the help of one who knows the city. I know a dwarf, a Longbeard named Svanr, who was harbour-master of the port before the Dourhands captured the city. You will find him to the east of here, not far from Kheledûl.'