Quest:Preparations for the Assault

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Quest: Preparations for the Assault

Description: With the release of Avorthal, the threat of war between the Dwarves of Gondamon and the Elves of Duillond has been averted, but the dangers posed to both kindreds remain, embodied by Skorgrím's Dourhands and the goblin-army they have raised.

Category: Epic - Prologue

Scope: Epic

Quest Level: 12

Hdg bestower.gif

'I will send word to Mathi Stouthand and Gailthin in Gondamon of Avorthal's safe return and to warn their masters. The Free Peoples of Ered Luin must unite if they are to drive Skorgrím and his goblin allies from this land.

'While Lord Dwalin and Master Dorongúr assemble their forces, I have an urgent task for you, (your name). The goblins have mustered in Rath Teraig, and if we are to have any hope of reaching Skorgrím, we must thin their ranks.

'Journey into Rath Teraig, the valley south of Gondamon, and defeat as many of the goblins there as you can. If we can reduce their numbers sufficiently, Dwalin and Doronogúr may have a greater chance for victory.'