Quest:Chapter 5: The Other Riders

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Quest: Chapter 5: The Other Riders

Description: While you were away investigating the Blackwold brigands, five Nazgûl attacked The Prancing Pony in search of four travellers from the Shire, which Strider had under his protection. Strider has told you that there are a total of nine Riders, and that he must know the location of the other four.

Category: Epic - Book I: Stirrings in the Darkness

Scope: Epic

Quest Level: 12

Hdg bestower.gif

'While both you and I have seen five Nazgûl, their true number is nine. Before I can take my charges beyond Bree, I must know where the other four are hiding.

'Would you travel to the west and speak to Lenglinn? I sent him to Buckland to watch over a particular hobbit, but it seems that Mr. -- Underhill and his friends decided to take a different path and are now here under my protection. Still, Lenglinn may know the whereabouts of the remaining Nazgûl.

'He camps on a rise just north of the Buckland Gate and may have seen something that will aid me. You must hurry. I cannot afford to delay here overly long.'