Quest:Chapter 4: Dark Designs

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Quest: Chapter 4: Dark Designs

Description: From a dying brigand at Skunkwood's old hideout, you learned that the strange Pale Dwarf was trying to bully the Blackwolds into continuing their alliance with the Witch-realm of Angmar.

Category: Epic - Book I: Stirrings in the Darkness

Scope: Epic

Quest Level: 12

Hdg bestower.gif

'Good day to you. What are you still doing about here? Those Blackwolds are gone, and likely for good. That strange dwarf might still be around, but I'll wager he went on to somewhere a bit more interesting.

'You should take that news on to your friend Strider in Bree-town. If he sent you out here, he likely wants to know what we found! He'll probably be at The Prancing Pony. Those Rangers surely like their beer, and the Pony has the best!

'Thank you for your help, but there's no use worrying about brigands around here anymore.'