Quest:Sharkey's Men

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Quest: Sharkey's Men

Description: Chief Grimbriar wants you to investigate the brigands of the Bree-fields, who have become better organized and more dangerous of late.

Category: Bree-land

Quest Level: 12

Hdg bestower.gif

'My job is to guard Bree. I don't have the men to waste patrolling the countryside, but of late I've had reports of brigand-raids near and around the town. I need someone to look into these rumours, and I've coin to spare for anyone willing to help.'

'There've always been a few outlaws in the hills and dales north of town, but it seems that recently they've grown both more numerous and more bold. If you can find out what is going on, it would be appreciated. Careful though. Once these outlaws would flee any armed man, but now they are more prone to attack without warning.

'There are brigand camps throughout the hills north-west of town, you just have to go and find them.'