Quest:Chapter 7: An Unsavoury Air

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Quest: Chapter 7: An Unsavoury Air

Description: Candelleth has decided upon several locations within the woods of Tâl Bruinen that might hide the ring Narchuil.

Category: Epic - Book XI: Prisoner of the Free Peoples

Scope: Epic

Quest Level: 50

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'Certain places within the woods and crags of Tâl Bruinen have an unsavoury air. The few travellers that pass by them oft report an unsettled feeling, a troubling disquiet. This in itself is not unusual, for the land remembers many things that we have forgotten and makes such memories known to us, though we recognize them not. But to learn that such a relic of evil as the ring by which the Champion of Angmar knew her greatest strength could lie hidden within these woods -- it could explain much.

'Look to the south-east! Do you see the stone-work within that narrow pass through the rocks? That place is called Delossad, and it is a ruin of which I know little. Of Elven-make it is, but the air is heavy all about it. Look for Muildir by the narrow pass to Delossad, and he will tell you if he has seen anything of note.

'The other site I have in mind is Eryn Singor, a den of the Wood-trolls in north-west Tâl Bruinen. The creatures grow from saplings in that wooded and watery grove, and it is therefore rarely troubled by outsiders. Might Narchuil lie within the reedy beds or buried in the mud of Eryn Singor or the depths of Bar-e-Therchir beneath it? One of my scouts, Lavanthir, has studied the ways of the Wood-trolls. Look for him outside the entrance to Eryn Singor.

'When Muildir and Lavanthir have given you what aid they can, return to me with Narchuil or with any information about its location which you have learned, and we can decide our next course.'