Quest:Chapter 8: The Crumbled Cellar

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Quest: Chapter 8: The Crumbled Cellar

Description: Candelleth told you that Idhreneth has reported driving a small company of Angmarim away from the burnt remains of a cottage.

Category: Epic - Book XI: Prisoner of the Free Peoples

Scope: Epic

Quest Level: 50

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'I had been focusing on places around which travellers and my scouts have reported sensations of uneasiness and disquiet, such as the Wood-troll grove of Eryn Singor or the Elf-ruins of Delossad, but that only because it was the avenue I felt was open to us.

'The Angmarim have also been combing the Elf-ruins throughout Tâl Bruinen, and until a few hours ago, I assumed this was because they had some information we did not. And yet, if this was so, why would they not focus on one place? If they knew Narchuil to be hidden within Delossad, would they not devote all of their efforts upon it? I am sure they would, and yet, they did not, which tells me that the Angmarim do not know the location of Narchuil anymore than we.

'One of my scouts, Idhreneth, encountered a small company of Angmarim near the burnt-out remains of a cottage not far to the north-east of Echad Candelleth -- the Crumbled Cellar, it is called. She defeated the Angmarim and sent word to me, asking if I knew any reason they would show an interest in such a trivial place. The answer is clear: they are searching everything they can in the hope that they find a clue, just as we have done, (your name). I want you to speak with Idhreneth and learn what you may.'